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Is a Pistol a Good Alternative to a Rifle?<\/a><\/span><\/h2>

21 SHARP \u2013 New Rimfire Cartridge from\u00a0Winchester<\/a><\/span><\/h2>

Posted 33 mins ago in Ammunition, Daily News, Rimfire by Hrachya H with No CommentsTags: .2105\u2033, 21 caliber, 21 …<\/a><\/p>

21 SHARP \u2013 New Rimfire Cartridge from\u00a0Winchester<\/a><\/span><\/h2>Read More<\/span><\/span><\/a>

Remington To Include Timney Triggers In All 700-series\u00a0Rifles<\/a><\/span><\/h2>Read More<\/span><\/span><\/a>

Blending In While Carrying Concealed<\/a><\/span><\/h2>Read More<\/span><\/span><\/a>

Serbia Halts Arms Exports? Aims to Focus on Home Military\u00a0Needs<\/a><\/span><\/h2>Read More<\/span><\/span><\/a>\"\"<\/span>

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